Executive and Mindset
When you work with Gill she becomes your confidential sounding board, your safe environment to explore options and possibilities but most importantly she is there to support you whether that be corporately or personally where ever you are in the world.
As a coach she has no hidden agenda and will challenge you no matter who you are: celebrity, CEO or elite sports person! When asked she will give you honest feedback. If you are looking for a "Yes" person Gill is definitely not the coach for you. As one CEO told her: "Unlike my staff, you're not afraid to give me a bloody nose when I rightly need it and that's what helps me the most!".

Gill's approach is to work with you to gain an understanding of yourself, your family and how you interact / communicate with others. As you gain insight into how you operate in the world it enables you to achieve a higher level of success in all that you do personally and professionally. Athletes find that gaining these insights help them to become more focussed and resilient in their sport.
Gill's coaching empowers you to find your own solutions and more importantly for you to take responsibility for your actions rather than to simply follow the advice of others. She helps you to resolve issues on the inside which ultimately improves everything around you on the outside.

Sports Coaching
Does all that technical coaching and practice seem to desert you when you are under pressure and negativity creep in?
Having a more positive mindset can make the difference between winning and losing.Find Out More