What makes a champion?
Have you ever watched a sports person and known, just by looking at them, that they are going to lose? That they have given up.
What makes the difference between an elite sports person who consistently wins and those that either never 'quite' make first place or who are inconsistent in winning? The answer is that those who win consistently really understand themselves and have gained insights into how they interact in the world. These insights help them to fully believe in their ability. They are then able to stay in the 'now' during the competition. Sports people will often describe it as being 'in the zone'.

Gill helps her clients to know exactly when they are 'in the zone' by using a piece of technology, the Focus Band, which gives them immediate neural feedback. The benefit of this feedback is that it helps you to get into the 'now' rather than focussing on a future outcome i.e. missing the cut in golf, loosing the frame in snooker or a set in tennis. By the brain working in the correct frequency the process then becomes the brain 'allowing' things to happen rather than 'trying' to make things happen.

"GillHB & Friends" An entertaining and informative fortnightly podcast talking about anything and everything to a variety of guests.
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