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What People Say
"Gill is an excellent business coach. Having had a successful career in the airline industry she speaks from experience and is able to offer pure coaching as well as a blended approach offering excellent direction and advice. She is flexible in her approach, extremely well organised and professional. I enjoyed working with her and was extremely happy with the output."
- Tony Howarth, Managing Director, Mazda Motors Ireland.
"I had a series of one on one coaching sessions with Gill in 2014, with specific objectives focused around building a development and career plan for myself, ultimately to help me build a plan with my employers. Gill's support was fantastic: she combines brilliant sharpness with real human sensitivity and utter professionalism. Her grasp of detail, her extraordinary memory and her focus on results makes her easy, but highly rewarding to work with. She pushed me where I needed it, and really helped me interrogate and rebuild my plans, aims and ambitions. After 6 sessions I had built a dramatically more focused career plan; and the final session with my line manager state the process of putting this into action. I would love the opportunity to work with Gill again and would recommend her without hesitation."
- Mark Tierney, Head of Marketing, BBC Two, BBC Four and Factual.
"Gill has been my coach both personally and professionally for a number of years now. In the time that I have worked with her she has demonstrated the highest level of commitment and professionalism, and on that basis she is someone that I continue to recommend to colleagues as well as friends and family."
- Daniela Tufo, Brand Building Director, Hair, UK&I Unilever.
"Matthew's a talented golfer, he's been captain of the junior squad for a year and plays like a pro, this year he's suffered with nerves when competing, he just needed to get back on form, which is why I wanted him to see you on Tuesday. Just to let you know after the session he was full of beans and feeling confident, Friday he had his competition where he did really well: " the first nine he went under his handicap, the back nine he had a few bad shots but in all played exceptionally well, with his handicap being cut. He wanted me to email you to say a big thank you, you have made him and us very happy."
- Sarah Young
- Tony Howarth, Managing Director, Mazda Motors Ireland.
"I had a series of one on one coaching sessions with Gill in 2014, with specific objectives focused around building a development and career plan for myself, ultimately to help me build a plan with my employers. Gill's support was fantastic: she combines brilliant sharpness with real human sensitivity and utter professionalism. Her grasp of detail, her extraordinary memory and her focus on results makes her easy, but highly rewarding to work with. She pushed me where I needed it, and really helped me interrogate and rebuild my plans, aims and ambitions. After 6 sessions I had built a dramatically more focused career plan; and the final session with my line manager state the process of putting this into action. I would love the opportunity to work with Gill again and would recommend her without hesitation."
- Mark Tierney, Head of Marketing, BBC Two, BBC Four and Factual.
"Gill has been my coach both personally and professionally for a number of years now. In the time that I have worked with her she has demonstrated the highest level of commitment and professionalism, and on that basis she is someone that I continue to recommend to colleagues as well as friends and family."
- Daniela Tufo, Brand Building Director, Hair, UK&I Unilever.
"Matthew's a talented golfer, he's been captain of the junior squad for a year and plays like a pro, this year he's suffered with nerves when competing, he just needed to get back on form, which is why I wanted him to see you on Tuesday. Just to let you know after the session he was full of beans and feeling confident, Friday he had his competition where he did really well: " the first nine he went under his handicap, the back nine he had a few bad shots but in all played exceptionally well, with his handicap being cut. He wanted me to email you to say a big thank you, you have made him and us very happy."
- Sarah Young

Some kind words...
"To be a champion you need 2 coaches: " one for the body and Gill for your mind."
- R. Fenwick, Former Muay Thai Kickboxing Champion, Woking
"I have known Gill as one of her clients as well as a fellow colleague for over 5 years. So I can vouch for this magnificent lady leading you to success! Every year I rolled along the M4 to my annual Cardiff job, I would sit there with the same dream and vision of how my work should really be. The sad truth of it all was that it only ever stayed a dream...on the M4. And then I met Gill, who though her unique coaching talents, her knowledge of the real 'work market', her organised and 'no-crap' procedures as well as her extremely professional skills, showed me the route forwards. I started my new way of work 4 years ago and I am having a lot more fun now. There have been unexpected changes and 'Blind Alleyways' to my journey but with the tools Gill has given me I am able to negotiate those changes independently so I can move forward and explore other and bigger roads to move onto. She has saved me a lot of time as well by making me see that being clear about what I wanted out of both my personal and working life, would stop me searching blindly in every direction that I thought may be relevant. I cannot recommend Gill highly enough as a Life Performance Coach and highly dedicated 'Professional Mentor',"
- Gitte Nielsen
"I have known Gill for many years and I can personally vouch for her integrity and professionalism at whatever she turns her hand to. She is constantly developing herself and keeping herself up to date with her Continuing Personal Development. In fact she's always on some blinking course or another! She works with us on the Virgin Atlantic Flying without Fear programme as a therapist. to the many hundreds she has now helped she offers both NLP and TFT. She is also a key speaker on the day of our courses. Flying without Fear has been going since Nov 1997 offering 20 courses per year at 12 different airports. We only use brilliant speakers and talented therapists on our courses and I am pleased to say that Gill fits both categories AND I would not hesitate to recommend her."
- Paul Tizzard, Co-Director Flying Without Fear
"Can't thank you enough Gill - you are a star and you must find your job so rewarding when you get such positive results!!"
- Anne MacLaren, Inverness, Scotland
- Gitte Nielsen
"I have known Gill for many years and I can personally vouch for her integrity and professionalism at whatever she turns her hand to. She is constantly developing herself and keeping herself up to date with her Continuing Personal Development. In fact she's always on some blinking course or another! She works with us on the Virgin Atlantic Flying without Fear programme as a therapist. to the many hundreds she has now helped she offers both NLP and TFT. She is also a key speaker on the day of our courses. Flying without Fear has been going since Nov 1997 offering 20 courses per year at 12 different airports. We only use brilliant speakers and talented therapists on our courses and I am pleased to say that Gill fits both categories AND I would not hesitate to recommend her."
- Paul Tizzard, Co-Director Flying Without Fear
"Can't thank you enough Gill - you are a star and you must find your job so rewarding when you get such positive results!!"
- Anne MacLaren, Inverness, Scotland

Some kind words...
"It was really fun, you make everything so relaxed." - Sarah Louise Dix, Upholsterer (following being a guest on my podcast).
"When I started talking to Gill I was in one of the most horrible places I had ever been in my life. EVERY part of my life was collapsing around me at the same time with no family or lifelines to grab. After only a few hours with Gill I could focus again, had a new way of thinking, and felt I could actually see a way out of the pit. She has a unique gift."
D. Free, W. Byfleet
"I feel so good. I never been happier in my life. All my friends can see the difference in me.... I'm living a new life and it is so amazing. Thank you so much I couldn't do it without you. You are amazing!!!"
- B. Weidner, London
D. Free, W. Byfleet
"I feel so good. I never been happier in my life. All my friends can see the difference in me.... I'm living a new life and it is so amazing. Thank you so much I couldn't do it without you. You are amazing!!!"
- B. Weidner, London